Tax Tips

General Tax

Thousands of people across Ireland are due a tax rebate that they aren’t aware of. With over 20 years professional experience in the area of claiming tax back and generating tax refunds for clients in both the public and private sector, our experts at Irish Tax Rebates know the Irish tax system inside and out. Over the last two decades we’ve been asked all sorts of questions from those of you who want to get your money back.  

To ensure you don’t lose money on overpaid tax, our experts have answered all of your top questions on claiming tax back in Ireland. Don’t stress if you discover you have been missing out on unclaimed tax back, you are allowed up to 4 years to make a claim. From splitting your taxes between countries to understanding PAYE tax credits, these articles will help you understand everything you need to know to get your tax back!

Important Tax Dates in Ireland

As a PAYE worker, knowing the important tax dates is crucial so you ensure you pay the right amounts of tax, at the right time. And individuals in Ireland ...

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The Employment Detail Summary: The P60 Replacement

In recent years, one of the most notable changes to the PAYE system has been the phasing out of the traditional P60 form, a document that used to serve ...

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Tax Relief for Maintenance Payments

Are you making maintenance payments but not sure if you are eligible for tax relief? You’re not alone. We understand that navigating through every tax implication can be ...

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What is Income Tax in Ireland?

Understanding Income Tax  Income tax and the Irish tax system in general can be confusing for many, but fear not – we here at Irish Tax Rebates are here to ...

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Revenue Not Releasing Your Rebate? Here’s 8 Possible Reasons Why

Are you eagerly waiting for a tax rebate or refund from the Revenue Commissioners, but it seems like they’re just not playing ball? If you find yourself in ...

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Budget 2024: How does it affect me?

The 2024 Budget Day was Tuesday, the 10th of October 2023 Minister for Finance Michael McGrath and Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe began outlining the full Budget in a Dá...

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Rent Tax Credit, what is it?

Rent Tax Credit, what is it?  A Rent Tax Credit has been introduced for the year 2022 forward.  Tax relief can be claimed if you paid for private rented accommodation ...

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Have you got Revenue Underpayments?

Have you received a letter from Revenue, notifying you of underpayments? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Over 300,000 taxpayers are set to receive these letters over the coming ...

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2023 Budget & How does it affect me?

The 2023 Budget was presented on Tuesday the 27th of September. This is a little earlier than normal owing to energy inflation and the general increased cost of living.  The ...

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How to claim Foreign Earnings Deduction

What is Foreign Earnings Deduction? If you are an Irish Resident registered PAYE worker and you spend more than 30 qualifying days per year working abroad, you may be entitled ...

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Use your Tax Back for a last minute getaway!

Are you dreaming of a last minute getaway? In August, a couple can fly to Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast for seven nights and stay in a four-star hotel ...

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How Much Tax Can My Family Claim for Medical Expenses?

Medical expenses can certainly add up, and each year families incur unexpected medical bills that can be quite significant. There are still over 1 million people in Ireland without medical ...

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Working From Home Tax Relief – Claim Your Tax Rebate

Remote working can be liberating for many employees in Ireland – but working from home can also raise the cost of your energy bills. By claiming working from home tax ...

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Employing A Carer? Claim Tax Relief

Taking care of an incapacitated or disabled loved one is a reality of life for many families. Employing a carer can be an appealing solution, and an excellent alternative ...

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What Tax Can I Claim Back For 2021?

As Ireland’s No. 1 tax agent, we’ve processed a lot of tax rebates so far this year. That said, a huge number of people still haven’t claimed ...

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Tax Rebates for Christmas 2021

Are you due a Christmas bonus?  Thousands of Irish taxpayers have already applied for their Christmas tax rebate this year. We’re working hard to process thousands of applications ...

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Tax Rebates for Healthcare Workers

Are you a healthcare worker? If so, this one’s for you! Did you know it’s very likely that you are due some tax back from the Revenue ...

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Claiming Tax Back as a Retail Worker

Retail workers of Ireland – it’s time to claim back the money that Revenue owes you! We work with thousands of retail workers each year to claim their tax ...

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Receive Your Tax Rebate By Bank Transfer

Want To Receive Your Rebate Straight Into Your Bank Account? No Problem! So you’ve just received our good news text – you’re due a tax rebate! 🥳 (If you ...

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5 Reasons to Apply with 100% Confidence to Irish Tax Rebates

  At Irish Tax Rebates, we help our 325,000 customers secure the highest possible tax rebate. With over 20 years experience in Irish tax, our highly qualified tax experts are committed ...

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No P60? – No Problem: Your 2019 Tax Rebate Questions Answered

Wondering why you haven’t received a P60 this year? Confused about how to apply for your 2019 tax back without one?  Our expert Accountants explain the recent changes to ...

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Apply with Confidence to Irish Tax Rebates & Get Your Money Back

At Irish Tax Rebates, we are passionate about our purpose: ensuring our 310,000 customers in Ireland secure the highest possible tax rebate.  If you pay income tax in Ireland, it’...

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PAYE Tax Explained

Guide to PAYE Tax System (Pay As You Earn): Whether you’re starting work for the first time or are finally looking into your taxes, understanding PAYE is essential. ...

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Claiming Tax Back – The Most Frequently Asked Questions

Irish Tax Rebates: Most Frequently Asked Questions Here at Irish Tax Rebates, we receive a lot of questions from our clients via phone, e-mail and social media each week ...

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Get Your Money Back Over the Holiday Season

Christmas is one of the most expensive times for families, with the average family in Ireland reported to spend around €2,654 in December – €870 more than any other month of the ...

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Moving Away From or Moving to Ireland? You May Be Eligible For a Tax Rebate

Did you live and work in Ireland for a period of time and have now left? Or are you returning to Ireland after working abroad for a time? If ...

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Why Consulting a Tax Expert Save You a Lot of Cash

There’s no doubt about it – tax can be taxing! Not knowing when to make claims, what you can actually claim tax back for or if you even have ...

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Complete Guide: Irish Tax FAQ’s

  Here at Irish Tax Rebates, we know the Irish Tax system inside out. We have over 20 years professional experience in the area of claiming tax back and generating ...

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The top 4 ways you’re paying too much tax

In Ireland, claiming tax back can be an arduous task. This is why a lot of people simply don’t pursue it. However, an even bigger problem is that ...

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How to Claim PAYE Tax Credits (With Examples)

Many people mistakenly believe that tax credits are automatically applied by Revenue. Unfortunately for them, this is not always the case, which means they might not receive tax back ...

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How to Split Your Tax year Between Countries

If you’ve recently moved to Ireland for employment, or if you are planning to leave Ireland to start a career some place new, you will need to know ...

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5 Reasons to use Irish Tax Rebates

Are you interested in joining over 310,000 PAYE workers who have claimed an average of €1,092 of tax back? Irish Tax Rebates have helped 75% of people who apply to receive thousands, ...

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Why You Absolutely Must Apply For Tax Back

For many people, taxation is a topic of discussion they like to avidly avoid. However, in avoiding any dealings with taxation, you could then miss out on a sizable ...

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What Is a Tax Credit Certificate?

There are so many tax forms and tax rates to keep track of and understand, it really can be mind-boggling! One of the most important elements of taxation is ...

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Top Ten Tax Terms Explained

Understanding taxation can be difficult, especially when there’s so many confusing terms involved. Often misunderstandings or lack of understanding regarding taxation can lead to over payment of tax. ...

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What Are Tax Credits and What You Need to Know?

Tax credits are a form of relief offered by the government to reduce the amount of tax you have to pay. Every PAYE worker is eligible for these and ...

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5 Key Things you need to know about claiming tax back

It’s an unfortunate fact that many of us are actually overpaying taxes. Thankfully, we can claim this tax back if we know what relief we can apply for ...

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Tax Credits – What Can You Claim For?

Over the years the government has offered a range of tax credits and relief options, from private pensions to medical expenses. We have decided to detail some of the ...

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Why you may be eligible for a tax refund for USC

Universal Social Charge (USC) in Ireland Many tax rebates processed here at Irish Tax Rebates often include a refund for at least one of the past four years for ...

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Why you should use a tax expert to claim tax back

In 2023 alone, Irish Tax Rebates have already obtained tax back for thousands of clients, with the average tax rebate amounting to €1,092. With so many people receiving cheques in the ...

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A Guide to the Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) Scheme

Carrying out work on your home can be a costly process, but did you know that you can avail of recent Government tax breaks for renovations? They are available ...

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Potential Tax Rebate From Data Errors

    Errors have been known to be easily made! But did you know that Government data errors could result in a potential tax rebate for you? As the ...

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Rent Relief Tax Refunds

The Rent Relief tax credit has been phased out! Not only this, but the Revenue Commissioners are changing how the Rent Tax Credit (Rent Relief) can be claimed too. 2014 ...

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Why Consulting a Tax Refund Expert Can Payback in Spades

So, it appears that using the Revenue On-line System (ROS) isn’t always as straight forward as it seems when trying to apply for a tax refund. We recently ...

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The Importance Of Paying Your Local Property Tax

What is Local Property Tax (LPT)? Local Property Tax (LPT) is an annual self-assessed tax introduced in 2013 and is charged on the market value of residential properties in Ireland. ...

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